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Internal Medicine Stage 1

In response to recommendations in the Shape of Training Report, and to better equip doctors with the skills needed for a 21st Century NHS, the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB), on behalf of the Federation of the three Royal Colleges of Physicians and with the support of Health Education England, developed a new training model known as Internal Medicine Training. It replaced Core Medical Training in 2019 with the first trainees completing the three-year programme in summer 2022.

Internal Medicine Stage 1 is a three year programme which includes experience in intensive care medicine, geriatric medicine and outpatients. This gives doctors in training wider exposure to medical specialties including dedicated experience in ICU. It is hoped that more people training in Internal Medicine and the physician specialties will reduce rota gaps, provide improved access to outpatient experience and will better prepare trainees as they progress to the medical registrar role.

Find out more about IMT recruitment here

For further information visit the JRCPTB website

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