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Together, NETS and Provider Self-Assessment provide valuable EDI intelligence and views on the performance of learning environments in meeting quality standards

It is reassuring to see that most learners with protected characteristics feel colleagues are supportive; however, the data does show that some groups are more likely to face discrimination. A proportion of learners who report it are not satisfied that it has been dealt with by the organisation.

Postgraduate Deans and their Quality teams will review this data for their regions and their programmes and instigate relevant actions as part of their Quality Improvement Plans to ensure continuous improvement in EDI issues for all learners

Discrimination by patients is most likely to occur based on ethnicity and religion. The reported levels of discrimination from other staff in the workplace remains low but when it does occur many choose not to report it and of those, only one third felt the discrimination had been dealt with.

Ensuring that reports of discrimination are taken seriously and dealt with in confidence and appropriately is likely to improve the satisfaction of learners in the future. We, as NHS England have an ongoing commitment to make EDI data across our work meaningful and accessible and we are committed to sharing EDI educational best practice.

We will continue to develop our knowledge of the EDI challenges faced within education and training of our NHS workforce and continue to target our actions to effect positive change for learners and our teams.

We commit to continuing to collaborate with stakeholders and partners to deliver this important agenda, The aim is to improve and enhance the quality of training, reduce discrimination with the aim of improving retention and increase morale so we can deliver our collective purpose to improve care for patients. This can be supported by improving transparency regarding EDI and actions being taken along with demonstrating good practice initiatives.


Further information

NHS England Education Quality Team, england.wte.quality@nhs.net