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Discrimination by Patients
The NETS revealed that learners were more likely to experience patient discrimination if they were between 25 – 35 years of age, from outside the EU/EEA and UK/Ireland, from Asian, Black, Chinese, Mixed and other ethnicities, and reported their religion as Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh or Muslim. According to 2023’s NETS results, 16% (6,216) of learners have experienced discriminatory behaviour from patients and 7% (2,945) have experienced discrimination from staff.
From the learners who experienced discrimination, only 19% reported it despite 94% (35,985) of all learners reporting they know how to raise concerns with 81% (31,156) feeling comfortable to do so. Of the learners who experienced discrimination and reported it, 54% stated the organisation did not deal with it effectively. Further analysis of all the characteristics may reveal groups who may require targeted support and intervention.