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HEE Deans' EDI Committee

Remit and Terms of Reference

We needed a way not only to recognise and discuss issues but act in a way that we could make positive changes in tackling all forms of discrimination.


What we did

HEE had committed to advance diversity and inclusion via ‘Diversity and Inclusion - Our Strategic Framework 2018-2022’. The Framework aimed to help HEE remain focused on what matters and better understand what it can and should do to support the diversity and inclusion agenda.

The Framework is aligned to our existing national and corporate objectives, priorities and values as well as the principles set out in the NHS Constitution.

The Framework is structured around the key themes of Our People, Our Business and Our Influence.

  • Our People – HEE recognises the importance of valuing diversity and inclusion in the workplace and understands the benefits that can be achieved through building an inclusive and representative workforce. 
  • Our Business – Through the Framework we will work to achieve a cultural change that leads towards consistent consideration of inclusion in business and delivery of key functions.
  • Our Influence – HEE has a crucial role to play, within the healthcare system, in supporting a world-class approach to education and training that creates ladders of opportunity for people in every setting and from every background. We will use our influence with stakeholders to further diversity and inclusion in the wider healthcare system and within medical and clinical education


What we will do

HEE Dean’s (HEEDS) agreed to concentrate on the 2nd and 3rd aims to ensure that the business of PGMDE is delivered with a greater focus on EDI and attempt to ensure the longstanding issues known will be considered with greater visibility and communication of both actions and results. Full terms of reference can be found in Appendix A.

Our group has had support from the top of the organisation with attendance from Dr Navina Evans, CEO and her ongoing visible and public commitment to deal with discrimination and promote diversity and inclusion. The aims are to continue to raise awareness, make improvements that can be shared, reassess HEE’s responsibility and action and play our part with partners.