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National Recruitment

Medical and Dental Recruitment and Selection (MDRS)

Recruitment to all Postgraduate Medical and Dental training occurs for the UK via MDRS. MDRS commissioned a Specialty Recruitment Analysis Comparing Round 2 in 2019 and 2020.


  1. There is marginal evidence that the Asian British groupings fared better in 2020 than in 2019
  2. There is no evidence of any differences between the odds ratios for an offer made for other protected characteristics
  3. Finally, we observe that a smaller proportion of applicants have had an Offer Made this year compared to last.


Academic Recruitment

The GMC has highlighted ongoing concerns about the demographics of medical and dental trainees in academic training pathways including the academic foundation programme and the Integrated Academic Training (IAT) pathways we co-deliver in partnership with National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

They highlight low numbers of those with a primary medical qualification from outside of the UK, women and less than full time trainees.  There is no significant variation from benchmarks by ethnicity in AFP – though at ACF level and beyond this the percentage from a BAME background decreases significantly.

We will seek further constructive dialogue with NIHR and other funders to address these issues further up the IAT pathway.

We will also be monitoring the impact via Medical Workforce Race Equality Standard (MWRES) data.