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It can be difficult to find the information you need to effectively thrive at work and in your personal life.

In this section, you can find practical resources on careers, financial and personal support which may help you to sustain a healthier work-life balance.

PSU Careers unit
Resources and courses for interviews, portfolios and development, plus four free 1:1 careers sessions for London learners

Ill health at work
Advice and information for work adjustments with ill health

Return to work
Advice on managing return to work after an absence
LTFT - information on eligibility, application and practicalities of LFTF training
OOP - information, eligibility and forms for OOPs

2016 junior doctor's contract
What you need to know about exception reporting, work scheduling, the Guardian of Safe Working, and pay
Educational and clinical supervisors

Financial guidance on tax, subscription exemptions and hardship resources
Expenses and benefits: subscriptions and professional fees
Junior doctor tax guidance
Royal College of Nursing tax relief
Royal Medical Benevolent Fund

Parental leave
Rights and responsibilities for pregnancy at work and parental leave
Working during pregnancy - advice for trainees
Childcare support - information, guidance and practical support for childcare in the NHS

Coaching & Mentoring
Free sessions for London learners on managing change or challenges at work and home
PSU Coaching Service
NHS London Leadership Academy
South London Peers

Medical care and support
Advice on student and trainee health issues, including how to register with a GP

NHS England LGBT+ staff network

NHS England Black and Minority Ethnic Staff network

NHS England Disability and Wellbeing staff network

Health service discounts
Discounts for your home, holidays and hobbies for NHS staff

Carer support
Information and support in relation to caring for others
NHS Employers - caring for children and adults
Carers UK

Practitioner health programme
Free, confidential, self-referral service for trainees with mental or physical health concerns

Simple, guided mindfulness app with 10 free sessions (for Android and Apple devices)

PSU individual support team
Personalised tailored support for London trainees and learners in difficulty

Crisis support
Free 24 hour crisis helpline for patients and carers led by South London and Maudsley NHS Trust

Surviving and thriving for night shifts
Royal College of Nursing
Better sleep tips for shift workers - Dr Mike Farquhar

Published health and well-being benefits of being grateful. Find a buddy to share 3 good things in your day.