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Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) in Midwifery

Better Births (2016) highlights the need for multi-professional working, breaking down barriers to deliver world-class, safe, personalised care for women and their babies.

In response to Better Births a deep dive review, focusing specifically on Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP), specialist midwife and consultant midwifery roles in England the Advanced Clinical Practice in Midwifery report was published. In order to help organisations realise the recommendations made in the Advanced Clinical Practice in Midwifery report, Health Education England has now published The Advanced Clinical Practice in Midwifery Capabilities Framework produced by the University of East Anglia.  

The Advanced Clinical Practice in Midwifery Capabilities Framework, is a tool which will enable organisations to put in place new Advanced Practice roles in midwifery, helping them better meet the needs of those who use their maternity services.

Click the link to read the Advanced Clinical Practice in Midwifery Capabilities Framework

"Advanced clinical practice in midwifery will ultimately support midwives to develop to an advanced level of clinical practice through education and training, whilst contributing to the provision of safe and personalised care for childbearing people and their babies. Better Births, the Five Year Forward View for Maternity Care, sets out a vision for a modern maternity service that delivers safer, more personalised care for all women and every baby it will also help to improve outcomes and reduces inequalities. Advanced clinical practitioners can and play a key role in this."

Kerrie Eilertsen – Feeney, Health Education England, Lead Midwife

One of the NHS’s priorities is to build a recognised and visible advanced practitioner workforce, HEE has worked closely with a wide range of key stakeholders to develop this framework and will continue to do so in order to ensure advanced clinical practitioners have the right skills, education and training.

Regional Faculties for Advancing Practice

Regional Faculties for Advancing Practice have been established to drive pioneering workforce transformation for advanced practice across England. Their remit is to deliver the step-change in advanced practice outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan; to develop modern pathways of care and improve value and efficacy as well as patient safety. If you are interested in implementing advanced practice, in midwifery as well as other areas of practice, in your organisation please contact the regional faculty leads who will be able to support you. 

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To access the Advance Clinical Practice in Midwifery Capabilities Framework, visit the link above

Advance Clinical Practice in Midwifery Capabilities Framework 

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