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National Apprenticeships Week - social care roles

12 February 2024

Eppie Dawson

National Apprenticeship Week takes place from 5 to 11 February celebrating the value, benefit, and opportunity that apprenticeships bring.

The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan sets our ambition for 22 percent of all NHS clinical staff to be trained via an apprenticeship.

We hear from Eppie who completed an apprenticeship working in social care and shares her reflections and experiences below.

Eppie Dawson

Nursing Associate - Twin Oaks Nursing Home

Tells us about how you came to your role

I worked at the nursing home for a long time and when the nursing associate role came around it seemed like a good route into nursing.

What kind of apprenticeship did you do and how did you find it? What did you enjoy most and why did it work for you?

I completed the level 5 Nursing Associate apprenticeship. I was really good, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have learnt so much from the mixture of placements, lessons, teachers and fellow students, which I have carried forward and now having more autonomy in my role is exciting.

Why are they so important?

I think it is important to encourage staff to evolve and progress as it motivates everyone and can keep them in their job for longer!

What would you say to someone considering doing an apprenticeship?

I think they work really well and are a great alternative to being at uni or college full time especially when you’re older and still need a full-time income.

Where do you see your career going now?

I hope to use my foundation degree to go onto another degree within the health sector.

Find out more about apprenticeships at the Health Careers website.