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Topol review

Exploring how to prepare the healthcare workforce, through education and training, to deliver the digital future


In December 2017, we published Facing the Facts, Shaping the Future – a draft health and care Workforce Strategy for England to 2027.

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care commissioned The Topol Review: Preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future, as part of the strategy.

The Topol Review, led by cardiologist, geneticist, and digital medicine researcher Dr Eric Topol and produced by HEE, explores how to prepare the healthcare workforce, through education and training, to deliver the digital future.

The Topol Review is now published and it makes recommendations that will enable NHS staff to make the most of innovative technologies such as genomics, digital medicine, artificial intelligence and robotics to improve services. These recommendations support the aims of the NHS Long-Term Plan, and the workforce implementation plan, helping to ensure a sustainable NHS.

Explore the digital future for NHS staff on the Topol Review website and read the full report.

One year on

One year on from the publication of the Topol Review, we are delighted to share an update on progress with regard to each of the Review's recommendations. You will also find attached a briefing on the Topol Digital fellowships scheme. 

Interest in the Topol Review shows no sign of waning, rather there is growing engagement as the tangible progress we report here becomes visible, and in response to the many presentations on the report through the past year. We see initiatives in response to the Review's recommendations at all levels of the system. This is a testimony to your expertise, experience and commitment to the Review.

Within HEE we have now established a Digital Readiness programme through which to continue to lead on developments in preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future. This is overseen within a new Directorate of Innovation and Transformation, led by Patrick Mitchell, Director of Innovation and Transformation, as SRO.  

Topol - One Year On

The Topol Digital fellowships

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