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Training Hubs
Think of Training Hubs as your ‘go to’ place for any information about primary care workforce, education and development. They work to address local needs. It’s always worth taking the time to find out what’s on offer, whether you’re an individual, employer or part of the Primary Care Network (PCN).
Every practice and PCN will have access to Training Hub resources and guidance. There are 42 at Integrated Care System (ICS) level, with a number of locality hubs that help support links between practices and PCNs.
They bring together education and training resources from NHS organisations, community providers as well as local authorities. There’s not always an actual door you can knock on to ask for help but what they all have is access to a range of information, resources, apps and contacts within national and local networks who can offer practical guidance, support and advice.
Training Hubs are usually run by a clinical leader and a manager supported by a network of primary care staff with education and training professionals based in the community. They work closely with Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to support workforce priorities and tackle health inequalities to help meet patient and population demand.
They add scale for efficiency and encourage innovation. These hubs are managed, and the work driven by regional and local expertise using the workforce implementation groups (WIGS), or equivalent.
Find your local Training Hub
Using the regional map, click on any of the numbered sections to see the contact details for that area. You’ll either find a website or contact email. For any other enquiries please email the national team england.traininghub@nhs.net.
North east and Yorkshire
1. North East and North Cumbria
2. West Yorkshire
3. Humber and North Yorkshire
4. South Yorkshire
North west
5. Lancashire and South Cumbria
6. Greater Manchester
7. Cheshire and Merseyside
8. Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent
9. Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin
10. Derbyshire
11. Lincolnshire
12. Nottinghamshire
13. Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
14. The Black Country
15. Birmingham and Solihull
16. Coventry and Warwickshire
17. Herefordshire and Worcestershire
18. Northamptonshire
East of England
19. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
20. Norfolk and Waveney
21. Suffolk and North East Essex
22. Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes
23. Hertfordshire and West Essex
24. Mid and South Essex
25. North West London
26. North Central London
27. North East London
28. South East London
29. South West London
South east
30. Kent and Medway
31. Sussex and East Surrey
32. Frimley Health and Care
33. Surrey Heartlands
34. Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West
35. Hampshire and Isle of Wight
South west
36. Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
37. Devon
38. Somerset
39. Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire
40. Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire
41. Dorset
42. Gloucestershire
North West
Local Office:
North East
Local office:
North East and North Cumbria - england.traininghub.nenc@nhs.net
Yorkshire and the Humber - amanda.jenkinson21@nhs.net
East of England
South East
Local office:
Hampshire and Isle of Wight (HIOW) - england.primarycareschooltvw.se@nhs.net
Kent, Surrey and Sussex - primarycareschool.kss@hee.nhs.uk
Thames Valley - england.primarycareschooltvw.se@nhs.net
South West
Ask the NHS knowledge and library service specialists
If you work in primary care in any role such as:
- Clinician, practitioner, nurse and other allied health care professional roles
- Commissioner, workforce transformation, employer or manager
- Learner, student, trainee or researcher
- Receptionist or administrator
The NHS knowledge and library hub connects healthcare staff and trainees to a significant range of high-quality knowledge and evidence resources, services, tools, and databases. Accessed using NHS OpenAthens (either sign in or register) or through your local NHS Health library, it’s a great resource for GPs and practice staff. You will have help to use:
- Thousands of journals
- Books, reports and e-publications, including Oxford University Press (OUP) handbooks
- Open access content
- Clinical decision support tools such as BMJ Best Practice
- Signposting to NICE guidance and pathways
- Databases like Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL and PsycInfo
Get in touch
There are around 180 local knowledge and library service (KLS) teams. Most are based in hospitals. Some have local agreements for primary and community care support. More recently a number of primary care KLS specialists have started working within Training Hubs across the country. You can access them directly using the email addresses below or register with your local on-site trust library.
Here are a few examples to give you a better idea of how a primary care KLS specialist can help you:
- Evidence searches and summaries to support your work and learning
- Updates on the latest, trusted research and news tailored to your interests and KnowledgeShare
- Group or 1:1 training on how to make the most of information resources using learning tools and techniques
- Free access to journals, reports and e-books including example exam papers
- Connecting you with others locally across health and care to share knowledge and insights – especially useful if you work in primary care networks and integrated care systems.