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Work Experience Quality Standard

A new HEE Work Experience Quality Standard is now available for healthcare organisations to apply for. The quality standard award, which can be displayed, will give organisations and placement holders assurance that the work experience on offer reaches the highest possible standards.

The standard which aims to support a good level of standardisation and consistency of offer between organisations across the country will also allow an appropriate amount of flexibility to acknowledge that work experience placements are offered in a variety of different ways.

To be awarded the standard, organisations must demonstrate how the work experience placements they offer are planned, delivered and evaluated. Health Education England will then award a bronze, silver or gold quality standard award, free of charge, which will last for two years. The organisation can then display the quality standard digital logo and certificate in order to demonstrate that it meets the standard.

Please note, while this quality standard has been designed for the assurance of in-person work experience, it can be used to support and add value to existing quality assurance processes for other types of programmes and work placements.

Work Experience Quality Standard Framework

The quality standard framework includes all of the criteria to qualify for the bronze, silver and gold quality standard. The criteria is broken down into six sections which correspond to a work experience placement:

  • Healthcare organisation
  • Pre-Placement
  • Placement Induction
  • During Placement
  • Reflection and Review
  • Post Placement

Read the Quality Standard Framework by clicking on the image below.

This document is also available in the Related Documents section of this page.

Work Experience Quality Standard Framework  













Work Experience Quality Standard Guidance

The quality standard guidance document includes further information about the purpose of the standard, and instructions to assist healthcare organisations in understanding how they can demonstrate that they meet each of the criteria, and to assist in completing the application form.

Please note, an updated version of the guidance document can be found below. The main changes include an application form checklist on p.4, and a two-week extension to the assessment cycles on p.17.

The main new points on the application form checklist include:

  • Clarification that evidence needs to be current (dated within the last 12 months) and should include as many completed, anonymised documents which demonstrate that templates are being used by a variety of host departments, and completed by learners. We expect to see the following minimum number of completed documents across the whole of the application to be eligible to receive each respective award: 4 for bronze, 8 for silver, 12 for gold. 
  • Mandatory completion of each supporting commentary box on the application form. As a minimum, this needs to accurately and explicitly reference all evidence which supports each criteria point including the names and page numbers of documents, reflecting the documents uploaded to Sharepoint. 
  • Reminder that evidence will only be accepted in relation to face-to-face work experience provision (e.g. we will not accept evidence which relates to pre-employment programmes or online work related learning). 

Read the Quality Standard Guidance by clicking on the image.

This document is also available in the Related Documents section of this page.

Work Experience Quality Standard Guidance














Applying for the Quality Standard

Healthcare organisations that wish to apply for the quality standard must email workexperiencetfc@hee.nhs.uk to request an application form, using the subject title “Work Experience Quality Standard – [health organisation name]”. HEE will respond by providing an application form, and a private Sharepoint folder for all evidence to be uploaded into. Further instructions on applying can be found in the guidance document.

Healthcare organisations can apply for the quality standard at any time throughout the year. However, organisations should be aware that their application will only be reviewed at set times of the year, which can be found below or in Annex 1 in the guidance document.

Please note, only one application form will be accepted per organisation.

If further support is required with the application process, please contact workexperiencetfc@hee.nhs.uk.

Cycle of review dates

Please see the dates for the cycles of review below for 2022/23. These dates will be advertised and updated accordingly.

Please note, healthcare organisations who submit an application may be contacted via email in the 6-week period of review following the submission deadline with requests for further information or evidence to support their application.


Cycle 1

Submission deadline: 19th September 2022

Decisions communicated: 14th – 28th November 2022

Cycle 2 

Submission deadline: 18th January 2023 

Period of review: 1st February - 29th March 2023 

Decisions communicated: 31st March - 14th April 2023 


Cycle 1 

Submission deadline: 18th May 2023 

Period of review: 1st June - 27th July 2023 

Decisions communicated: 28th July – 11th August 2023 

Cycle 2 

Submission deadline: 18th September 2023 

Period of review: 2nd October - 27th November 2023 

Decisions communicated: 28th November – 12th December 2023 

Cycle 3 

Submission deadline: 18th January 2024 

Period of review: 1st February - 28th March 2024 

Decisions communicated: 29th March – 12th April 2024