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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Health Psychology for Workforce Transformation programme?
This programme of work will involve a psychology of behaviour change expert (trainee health psychologist) being placed in each of the seven regions within England. Their role will be to build capability within systems to apply the COM-B and behaviour change frameworks through direct application to workforce projects and the training of others in the model within the health and care system. - Why are we introducing this programme of work?
This programme of work will build capacity for behaviour change in organisations and systems across the country, enabling and facilitating change for the benefit of staff, patients, and health and social care organisations.
Trainee health psychologists have been found to have considerable impact on transformation in Scotland, where they have had a similar model for over ten years. In this particular offer, the trainee health psychologists will be applying theories, evidence and methods from behavioural science, engaging organisations in the development of new ways of working.
This programme and the work of the trainee Health Psychologists will contribute to the acceleration of workforce redesign as set out in the NHS People Plan, and will build further capacity so that facilitation of behaviour change can be sustained.
- What are we looking to achieve through this programme?
The aim of this work is to build understanding of the COM-B framework and to develop capability within organisations and systems around behaviour change, as well as to directly apply the model to relevant projects within systems to achieve the behaviour changes required.
This two-year programme, funded by Health Education England (HEE) will be closely evaluated with a view to developing a sustainable national implementation plan to use the skills of health psychologists to support organisations with workforce transformation.
Whilst in post, the trainees will also achieve the ‘Qualification in Health Psychology’ (Stage 2) through the British Psychological Society which on completion confers eligibility for registration as a Health Psychologist and Practitioner Psychologist through the Health and Care Professions Council, and Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society. This will be closely supported by a co-ordinating supervisor (an experienced Health Psychologist attached to the programme) and the National Training Director employed by HEE.
- How long does it last and when does it start?
This is a two year pilot project. Trainee Health Psychologists will be recruited late in 2022 and start on the programme by January 2023
- Is it based on a particular model?
The programme is to build understanding and capability in behaviour change and specifically in the Behaviour Change Wheel and COM-B framework. The programme will focus on application of these models and theories within health and care, and specifically within workforce transformation and redesign.
- What is the COM-B framework?
The COM-B framework provides insight into three components, which it suggests play a pivotal role in influencing, and therefore changing, behaviour.
The COM-B framework proposes that there are three components to any behaviour (B): Capability (C), Opportunity (O) and Motivation (M). In order to perform a particular behaviour, one must feel they are both psychologically and physically able to do so (C), have the social and physical opportunity for the behaviour (O), and want or need to carry out the behaviour more than other competing behaviours (M). As each of these components interact, interventions must target one or more of these in order to deliver and maintain effective behaviour change.
- How many trainee health psychologists will be employed and how long for?
Seven trainee health psychologists will be employed, with one hosted within each of the NHS regions across England, and they will be employed for a two-year period.
- Who is funding this programme?
The two-year pilot programme is being funded by Health Education England.
- What is needed to be eligible to apply?
Trainees will have already completed an BPS accredited MSc in Health Psychology, achieving a Merit or above, and should also hold Graduate Basis for Chartered membership of the British Psychological Society via qualification recognition or alternative route.
The MSc will prepare trainees in terms of the knowledge and skills required in health psychology and behaviour change, and Qualification in Health Psychology/Stage 2 is about translating those skills into applied settings through supervised practice and research.
Further detail about the skills and competencies required can be found in the job description and person specification.
- Who will the health psychologists work for?
HEE are funding this programme of work, but trainee health psychologists will be employed by organisations within each region across England.
- Do health psychologists get paid whilst on the programme?
Trainee health psychologists are employed on two-year fixed term contracts and will be paid on the NHS agenda for change pay scale at the entry point of Band 6. Registration and examination fees for the BPS QHP/Stage 2 are funded through HEE. Trainees will be expected to submit a portfolio of work at the end of their funded placement and participate in an oral defence of their work (viva).
- What support will trainee health psychologists receive?
Trainees will be supported during the two years in a number of ways.
Trainees will be given a coordinating supervisor who will be a qualified health psychologist, who will enable them to reflect and demonstrate competencies throughout. They will help trainees to plan their work and will be involved in the recording and collection of evidence of achievements. All trainees will attend regular supervision sessions with them where they will monitor and support progress.
Trainees will also have a workplace supervisor within their host organisation who will provide day to day support. They will help them to plan and access the work required to meet their competencies and will ensure they are able to contribute to workforce redesign projects within their host organisation.
Support will be provided by a National Training Director in health psychology who will oversee the educational aspects of the programme and provide opportunities to network as a group and connect to others on similar training programmes and in psychological professions within their regions.
- Do the health psychologists complete any training whilst on the programme and what does it entail?
Whilst employed, the trainee Health Psychologists will complete the British Psychological Society’s Qualification in Health Psychology (Stage 2) training.
This builds on skills and knowledge gained at Stage 1, and the qualification is at doctoral level, enabling you to make informed judgements on complex issues and specialist fields.
The qualification is made up of five key competencies:
1. Practice: Developing professional practice, designing healthcare policy and practice.
2. Implement psychological interventions: Design, deliver and evaluate interventions for individuals and one other approach e.g., group/population based.
3. Teaching and training: Providing theory-driven, evidence-based training for health professionals and one other group.
4. Research: Designing, implementing and evaluating research on issues relevant to managing health and health behaviour. Including undertaking a systematic review.
5. Consultancy: Planning, implementing, and evaluating a healthcare project for a client (outside of main team/department).
This is on the job training and two years of applied work will be undertaken which enables demonstration of understanding of the key components of health psychology and the application of that knowledge in various contexts and situations.
Please note that the HEE psychological professions funding rule will apply to anyone recruited to this programme, meaning that they will only be eligible for further HEE training funding two years after completion of the qualifying exam board in the original training.
- Who is the qualification for?
This is for trainee health psychologists who have graduate basis for chartered membership and a British Psychological Society accredited MSc in Health Psychology at a merit or above.
- What work could a trainee health psychologist get involved in?
Trainees will be involved in work where behaviour change is required to introduce new ways of working and support workforce transformation or redesign.
This may include supporting workforce elements of clinical improvement work, working with Integrated Care Systems on priority transformation projects, and supporting the development of culture and behaviours in relation to workforce redesign. Each region has already identified relevant work for trainees and final projects will be agreed with the trainee upon commencement in role.
In addition, trainees will be involved in work that meets the competency requirements of the qualification in health psychology/Stage 2 training with support from the co-ordinating supervisor and National Training Director.
Further detail about the specific role and placement offered by each region can be found as part of the job advert.
- What will be expected of the trainee health psychologists?
The expectation of trainees is to commit to the role and programme of work for the two year period. They will need to understand and apply the COM-B framework to specific projects within their host organisation, commit to educating and teaching others in the model across the system and potentially region in which they are working, and will be expected to complete all necessary elements of the British Psychological Society’s Qualification in Health Psychology (Stage 2) training.
- What do the trainee health psychologists get from the programme? How will they benefit?
Trainees will gain hands on experience working to apply behaviour change theory to achieve change within key projects and programmes of work. They will also gain experience of developing and delivering training to others in the COM-B framework.
In addition, trainees will have the opportunity to complete the British Psychological Society’s Qualification in Health Psychology (Stage 2) training funded by HEE.
- What happens after the programme?
Following the two year programme, the impact of the work and programme overall will be assessed and next steps will then be considered.
The trainee health psychologists’ contracts will end after the two year period, where they will not only have gained valuable experience in working on behaviour change projects across systems but also completed the competencies required of the qualification in health psychology (stage 2).
- How will we know if it was a success?
Data will be gathered at all stages of the programme of work from all involved and monitored throughout, leading to a final evaluation and report at the end of the two years.
Overall, the programme will be a success if there is an increase in behaviour change understanding and capability across the seven organisations and systems involved, an increase in evidence to share with others regarding the impact of the framework, as well as if a number of teams are offered theory driven evidence-based support to embed new ways of working.
Another key indicator of success will be the creation of a suite of publishable evidence-based projects related to using health psychology and behaviour change to accelerate workforce redesign.
Finally, the trainee health psychologists will achieve their Qualification in Health Psychology (Stage 2) and be able to practice as Health Psychologists/Practitioner Psychologists.