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Career Development Conference brings AHPs together

31 March 2023

Colleagues from the allied health professions (AHPs) across the Midlands were invited to Nottingham on Monday 27 March for our annual AHP Career Development Conference.

Almost 150 were in attendance and were treated to keynote speeches showcasing a range of AHP career journeys, including lead roles in professional bodies, social care and higher education institutions. Breakout sessions gave attendees the opportunity to focus on opportunities to develop their AHP careers. Attendees also heard from motivational speaker, Anthony Bennett, whose inspiration life story is a lesson in teamwork, strong mental attitude and resilience.

The event was opened by Helen Marriott, Regional Head of AHPs at Health Education England, who welcomed delegates and shared our infographic of how our AHPs work across the region. This can be found in the Related Documents section below.

The day was a great success, with lots energy and high levels motivation in the room as a result of our inspirational speakers, but also due to individuals having the time and space to think about their own career development. It was good to see people prioritising themselves so that they can, in turn, provide better outcomes for others. Helen Marriott.

Helen then signposted delegates to sign up to the Midlands AHP Network, view the Midlands AHP website, follow the AHP Midlands Twitter account @MidlandsAHPs and contribute to the Future Workforce Survey which to share with us your thoughts on the future workforce, education and training of AHPs. 

Finally Helen introduced a video by Beverley Harden, AHP Lead at Health Education England (HEE) and Deputy CAHPO. Beverley couldn’t attend in person, but her recording about unleashing potential through engagement and inspiration set the tone of the day. Please click on the image below to watch the film.

The following keynote speeches then took place (please click on the images below for the presentation slides):


There were eight breakout sessions to choose from (slides can be accessed using the links):

The closing speech came from Steve Tolan, Interim Deputy Chief AHP Officer, NHS England, who pre-recorded his thoughts on the future of AHPs in advance. Please click on the image below to watch the film.

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