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Learn more about Framework 15 at our webinar – Thursday 10 November

6 November 2022

This event is a briefing and discussion roadshow with HEE, NHS England and Skills for Care.

Over the past year, we have been developing Framework 15, our long term strategic framework for health and social care workforce planning. This will help to ensure we have the right numbers, skills, values and behaviours to deliver world leading clinical services and continued high standards of patient care.

Building on over 1,000 conversations with system leaders, frontline staff, charities, think tanks, unions and others, as well as people who need care and support, we have looked at the key drivers of workforce demand and supply over the longer term to set out how they may impact upon the required shape of the future workforce, to help identify the main strategic choices. That work is now laying the foundations for the development of the Long Term Workforce Plan.

We would like to take this opportunity to update you on this work and discuss how we can support you in developing your own local plans. We will be joined by Dr Navina Evans CBE, Chief Executive of Health Education England, Chief Workforce Officer of NHS England and SRO for the Long Term Workforce Plan, Barny Leavers, Director for the NHS Workforce Plan, and senior colleagues from Skills for Care.

Register for the Framework 15 webinar

Read more about the Midlands Workforce Transformation Improvement Collaborative