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Mental Health Workforce Transformation event - Thursday 7 July

15 June 2022

Our Mental Health Workforce Transformation event, held on Thursday 7 July between 10:00 and 12:00, will focus on psychological professions, new roles and improving diversity.

This is the second mental health event to be delivered for integrated care systems by the Midlands Collaborative. This event will focus on the contribution of psychological professionals in physical healthcare settings and on the broader expansion in new roles across mental health services, taking into consideration the implications for the wider health and care system.

As well as sharing best practice on these themes and updates on other priorities in mental health, there will be a presentation from a local trust about how they are attracting a diverse workforce through innovations in work experience.

This event is open to workforce leads, service providers, education providers and commissioners in ICSs across health and care in the Midlands region.

Register here