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New pilot training programmes for single accreditation in General Internal Medicine launched this July

6 July 2022

Health Education England is responding to a number of hospital trusts that are now (re)opening departments in General Internal Medicine (GIM) by setting up a number of pilot training programmes for single accreditation in GIM. These pilot programmes, which are in three regions, including East and West Midlands, who are looking to recruit their first trainees in Autumn 2022 with trainees starting in post late 2022/early 2023.

Why are we doing this?

Dr Phil Bright, Clinical Advisor for Internal Medicine Training at HEE, talks about why we’re launching these new pilot training programmes


Until the 1980s, departments of GIM were commonplace in UK hospitals. Over time, physicians began to focus on the delivery of specialist care and General Practitioners (GPs) have been left to try and coordinate the care for an individual patient across multiple specialty teams. This is now becoming increasingly challenging as medical care develops.

Trusts are now recognising a need for physicians that can deliver high quality general care for patients with multiple, unrelated, complex conditions, without the need to initiate multiple referrals to different specialist teams. This will also enable reduced pressure on waiting lists for specialist procedures and clinic.

To find out more about the pilot training programmes in General Internal Medicine, including where the pilot sites are located and what they can offer, please visit the HEE website.

To find out more about the recruitment process and timelines, go to the Physician Higher Specialty Training Recruitment website.

To apply, go to the Oriel website.

Please note that the application window runs from 26 July to 16 August 2022.