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Update from our SSHINE Students

21 April 2023

SSHINE, which stands for Sharing Student Healthcare Initiative for Neurodiversity and Equity, is a team composed of neurodivergent Allied Health Professionals and Nursing students and is supported by our Allied Health Profession team. Their goal is to support and advocate for neurodivergent healthcare students, enhancing their clinical education and practice-based learning experiences. 

New eLearning Guide

Supported by our Allied Health Profession (AHP) team and the Florence Nightingale Foundation, SSHINE (Sharing Student Healthcare Initiative for Neurodiversity and Equity) is creating an eLearning guide on Supporting Neurodivergent Learners. This will mirror the published ‘Guide to Practice-Based Learning for Neurodivergent Students’ which offers transferable tips and supports across all professions to support students and staff.

We are looking for your input to understand what resources and information will be useful to improve the guide to support neurodivergent learners and practice educators. Please complete the SSHINE Practice Educators Survey to share your feedback and ideas.

We hope to publish the eLearning guide by the end of the year. Visit the SSHINE website or contact the team for further information. The team can also be found on Twitter via @SSHINE_students.

National Diversity Awards nominees

Congratulations to the SSHINE team for their National Diversity Awards 2023 nomination. The National Diversity Awards help to actively promote more positive role models, with the aim to empower and inspire the wide breadth of diverse communities across the UK. Voting closes on Friday 12 May. We will keep you updated on the results.​​​​​​​