Returning in the pandemic
A series of webinars for doctors returning during the COVID-19 pandemic
See the schedule hereYou are here
**Please note that some of the content on this page may now have been superceded. For the latest guidance visit the updated information page**.
Guidance for managing postgraduate medical trainees who are shielded due to COVID-19 can be viewed here.
The four statutory Education Bodies have worked closely together to agree contingency arrangements for postgraduate medical education and training during the COVID-19 outbreak. Please find all joint statements below:
In addition to HEEs guidance, trainees are encouraged stay up to date with information and guidance from across the system:
A new page has been set up with frequently asked questions for trainees, we will continue to update this page regularly - please come back to keep updated.
Medical rotations to re-start this summer - 15 May 2020
Planned rotations were cancelled for May, June and July as a result of COVID-19. All trainees in Foundation and Core posts will rotate as usual at the start of August. Read more here.
Plans for Management of Medical Training Rotations 8 April 2020
Postgraduate medical trainees continue to provide a significant contribution to service and are an essential part of plans to support the response to COVID-19. Therefore, it has been agreed to cease all planned rotations in May, June and July. Download the letter here.
Plans for Management of Medical Training Rotations 16 March 2020
All planned rotations due to take place during the “delay phase” of COVID-19 will cease, with trainees being asked to stay in their present working environment, unless local arrangements allow otherwise, or wider clinical circumstances require it. Rotations may only occur where departmental inductions, appropriate supervision and support can be guaranteed. Download more information here.
Plans for Psychiatry Specialty Trainees
Update on contingency plans for specialty recruitment 2 April 2020
Thank you for your patience whilst contingency plans have been put in place and approved. We are now in a position to confirm further details in this statement.
Covid-19 Specialty Recruitment Plans 30 March 2020
Following the cancellation of all face-to-face recruitment, contingency plans have been reviewed for all medical and surgical specialties by senior clinical representatives from across the four nations, and junior doctor representatives from the BMA JDC and AoMRC trainees’ committee, supported by the Medical and Dental Recruitment and Selection (MDRS) team. A number of general principles have been agreed to support the appointment of doctors to Medical training programmes, which will allow August 2020 start dates to be maintained. Read more here.
Medical Recruitment Update
We are keen that medical recruitment is disrupted no more than absolutely necessary and, as such, are urgently working with all Royal College recruitment teams to reschedule these recruitment events. A copy of the letter sent to trainees can be found here.
Cancelled Recruitment Interviews
Please refer to your respective royal college websites and regulator.
See our Frequently Asked Questions page here
Managing extensions to training - 18 June 2020
Guidance and principles for managing extensions to training during Covid-19
Guidance and FAQs on ARCPs for specialty trainees:
- Guidance for trainees and HEE PGME local teams (updated 4 June)
- Frequently asked questions (updated 15 May)
- Self-declaration for the Revalidation of Doctors in Training - for information, actual form will be available alongside your Form R. Download the file to your desktop to view.
Supporting the COVID-19 Response: Enabling Progression at ARCP - 20 April 2020:
To enable as many trainees to progress to the next stage in their training as possible, a number of changes have been introduced for ARCPs which are scheduled to take place before August 2020. Find out more about these changes here.
Two further documents (ARCP Decision aid and Coding for ARCP) can be accessed on the COPMeD website
ARCP process guidance documents - Guide for Local Offices, Heads of School and Training Programme Directors - 23 June 2020
This paper outlines possible options and alternatives for supporting trainees’ attainment of competences to meet curriculum requirements. The options described help with managing extensions/additional training time (ATT) and recognise the pressure on faculty capacity resulting from the impact of Covid 19.
This guidance document has been produced to instruct Training Programme Directors on providing post-ARCP feedback during the exceptional derogation from the Gold Guide due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes generic guidance and specific information on providing feedback fortrainees who receivean Outcome 10.1 or 10.2.
Letter to HEE Deans on Further Guidance
Letter to AoMRC asking for assistance and questions
Guidance to Training Programme Directors on giving post-ARCP feedback to trainees - 23 June 2020
This guidance document has been produced to instruct Training Programme Directors on providing post-ARCP feedback during the exceptional derogation from the Gold Guide due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes generic guidance and specific information on providing feedback for trainees who receive an Outcome 10.1 or 10.2.
ARCP webinar
On 3 June, we hosted a webinar for medical trainees on ARCPs. The recording of the webinar is now available on the HEE YouTube channel.
Foundation Programme ARCP
Guidance on ARCPs for Foundation trainees:
- Guidance for foundation trainees
- ARCP Outcomes Operational Guide
ARCPs during Covid-19 - 22 May 2020
This video presentation by Professor Jane Mamelok, provides detail on undertaking ARCPs during Covid-19, including how to use and apply outcome 10.
Deferrals Policy, for Specialty training only - 15 May 2020
Deferring the commencement date for specialty training programmes is generally only permitted for statutory reasons (e.g. maternity leave, sick leave, paternity leave). With the Covid-19 pandemic, there are likely to be a number of successful applicants who are unable to commence training on the advertised start date, for a number of non-statutory reasons. Read more here.
Exams for doctors in training
Statement from Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, COPMED and GMC
Accrediting trainee experience during the current crisis - 24 April 2020
During the current situation, many trainees will have been redeployed to a different working environment to that which they were expecting during their training or have returned to clinical practice having been out-of-programme. Guidance for Trainees and Faculty.
Statement on postponed pre-registration pharmacist examinations
Joint statement from Health Education England, NHS Education for Scotland and Health Education and Improvement Wales - about the postponement of both the June and September 2020 pre-registration pharmacist examinations.
Supporting the response to COVID-19: Professional Indemnity - Explanatory Note 29 - April 2020
An explanatory note on the latest guidance from NHS Resolution (NHSR) on the professional indemnity arrangements in place for staff supporting the COVID-19 outbreak.
An approach to deploying trainees unable work in a COVID-19 facing service - 24 April 2020
This paper outlines initial thoughts to identify and re-deploy those trainees that are currently unable to participate in patient care related to COVID-19 infection to other areas of the system.
Guidance for Acting up as a Consultant (AUC) during Covid-19 8 April 2020
This paper is for: Trainees, Training Programme Directors, Heads of School, Medical Staffing and Directors of Medical Education.
Supporting pregnant trainees who are well to work and learn during the COVID-19 pandemic
We have been contacted by pregnant trainees who wish to support the NHS COVID-19 response and ongoing care needs whilst also ensuring their own protection. This guidance relates to the limitations on pregnant doctors working in front-line patient contact roles. It does not cover any other aspect of the care and support of pregnant employees. All normal employment rights and practices should continue.
Secondments to the NHS from academic work
In response to the need for significantly more experienced clinicians to be available to the NHS over the next few months. We have written to medical academic trainees and medical trainees to ask if they would agree to be seconded back to the NHS from their academic work. The letter can be found here.
Guidance for postgraduate medical and dental trainees – redeployment to NHS Nightingale Hospitals, 14 April 2020
To support the response to COVID 19 and as NHS Nightingale Hospitals become operational, it is anticipated that there may be requests for medical and dental trainees to be redeployed to NHS Nightingale Hospitals. Principles for trainees redeployed to a Nightingale Hospital.
For Foundation Interim year 1 doctors being employed in Trusts, HEE proposes the following support arrangements - 9 April 2020:
- The employing Trust will pay the salary, NI and pension cost of these doctors, and reclaim that from government using the COVID 19 budget code now set up for the NHS. Employing Trusts should endeavour to minimise COVID 19 costs by offsetting against any unutilised undergraduate medical placement tariff funding.
- HEE local teams will provide any information and advice which Trusts need to record these costs against the COVID budget code
- Where these doctors are backfilling existing Foundation year 1 training posts, supervision will already be in place
- Where any new, temporary Foundation Interim year 1 post is created in a Trust, the HEE local team should be notified in advance, and HEE will make a one off payment of £2,000 to the Trust to cover any additional supervision costs associated with that post.
National Supported Return to Training Guide
Guidance has been produced to help you through the SuppoRTT Process and signpost learning material during your return to training.
Flexibility in the Medical Training Pathway – COVID-19 Interventions
We are committed to supporting trainees during and post COVID-19, by ensuring mechanisms are in place to support trainee’s wellbeing and educational provision. As a result, we are providing an enhanced, specific flexibility offer. Find out more here.
Guidance on facilitating the return of trainees on flexible training pathways - 9 April 2020
Updated guidance to support trainees on flexible training pathways, many want to return or have returned to the frontline.
Guidance for GP ST3s working additional overtime hours in an out of hours setting - 23 April 2020
We have received several queries in relation to whether GP ST3s are now able to work additional overtime hours in an out of hours (OOH) setting, their own training practice, or in other settings such as CCG hot hubs or for the 111 service, whilst adhering to the both the terms of their training programme and the terms upon which they are included as a ‘Registrar’ in the national performers list. A template letter sent to trainees and trainers can be found here.
Latest update on GP specialty training: letter about plans for increased support - 6 May 2020
This letter for trainees updates them on our plans to increase support for them.
Update for trainees in their final year of GP specialty training - 6 May 2020
This letter provides an update on the solutions we have identified to address the current issues for trainees in their final year of GP specialty training,
Guidance on Supervision/Support for GP Trainees in GP Placements During the Covid-19 Emergency - 23 April 2020
Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on service pressures in primary care, the normal split of the GPST working week into 7 clinical and 3 educational sessions has been suspended. Currently all 10 sessions can be allocated to clinical work, subject to the guidance here.
Dental Specialty Advisory Committee Decision Aids (published 16 July 2020)
- Dental & Maxillofacial Radiology 1) ADS SAC Guide to COVID ARCP Outcomes for Dental & Maxillofacial Radiology 2) Information to DMFR Trainees in relation to ARCPs Oct 2020
- Dental Public Health Dental Public Health Specialty Advisory Committee Decision Aid
- Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Decision Aid
- Oral Medicine Oral Medicine SAC Decision Aid
- Oral Surgery Oral Surgery SAC Decision Aid
- Orthodontics ARCP Guidance for Orthodontic Specialty Trainees 2020 and Appendix 1 Decision Aid for COVID Outcomes and Outcome 6
- Paediatric Dentistry Paediatric Dentistry Decision Aid 1, Decision Aid 2 and Training Disruption Notification Form
- Restorative Dentistry Restorative Dentistry Decision Aid
- Special Care Dentistry Special Care Dentistry Decision Aid
- COVID 19 Training Disruption Notification Form (published 16 July 2020) Training Disruption Notification Form
Dental Foundation Training in England - Guidance on the Management of RCP Outcome 6C
The purpose of this Guidance is to implement a process to support current Foundation Dentists in England whose placement has been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic.RCP Outcome 6C is designed to enable dentists to gain further experience in any competencies not fully demonstrated during Dental Foundation Training in a supported manner, whilst working in the NHS General or Personal Dental Services (GDS or PDS) or in Dental Core Training.
Annual Review of Competency Progression - 15 May 2020
Guidance and FAQs on ARCPs for dental trainees:
- ARCP Guidance for Dental Specialty Trainees
- Outcome 10 Supplementary Codes
Final Review of Competency Progression for Dental Core Training - 5 May 2020
Guidance and associated annexes regarding competency progression for Dental Core Training can be found below:
Annex A: Structured Educational Supervisor's report
More information on the COPDEND website.
Contingency planning for ARCPs/RCPs for Dental Trainees – 24 April 2020
As the four UK Statutory Education Bodies (HEE, NES, NIMDTA and HEIW) respond with the health systems to the COVID-19 pandemic and the unprecedented demands placed on healthcare delivery, the Annual Review of Competence Progression assessments will be adapted to ensure patient care remains a primary focus. Read more here from COPDEND.
Update on dental recruitment
We are keen that dental recruitment is disrupted no more than absolutely necessary and, as such, are urgently working with all recruitment teams to reschedule these recruitment events. This updated* joint statement provides more information.
Joint statement on arrangements for dental and dental care professional students and recent graduates, while restrictions are in place to control the spread of COVID-19
The restrictions now in place across the UK to control the spread of COVID-19 mean that clinical teaching, lectures, tutorials and final exams for students can no longer take place in the normal way. This statement is primarily for dental and dental care professional students and those in training posts in the UK, who are understandably concerned about completing their studies or training.
Postponement of Dental Core SJT
In light of recent developments, a decision has been taken to postpone the Dental Core SJT at this time. Dental trainees have been informed directly, a copy of the email can be found here.
*statement updated on Monday 20 April 2020
A series of webinars for doctors returning during the COVID-19 pandemic
See the schedule here