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Should the basis of Preceptorship begin also at university in collaboration with practice for all AHPs?
We feel that pre-preceptorship (the period of preparation to support the transition into employment) is also vital in the preceptorship journey. This includes the support during undergraduate study, return to practice period and the internationally recruited transition into the UK.
Step to Work can support this pre-preceptorship stage. NHS England will also be publishing Pre-Preceptorship Best Practice Guidance for HEIs, placement providers/employers and individuals in 2024.
What is the length of time for preceptorship?
Standard 3.3 states that the organisation offers preceptorship for a suggested 12-month period.
Am I right in stating that preceptorship is not a pass/fail? It is a supportive timeframe only!
AHP Preceptorship is a period of structured support provided to AHPs at key moments of career transition.
The purpose of preceptorship is to ensure individuals develop confidence in their abilities and can apply and develop their knowledge in everyday practice. This is different to clinical skills.
Can you provide some further information why it was chosen not to add in a supernumerary period?
Through wide engagement throughout the development of these AHP Preceptorship Standards and Framework and through the consultation on the Principles of Preceptorship by the HCPC it was deemed that the term protected time should be used regarding preceptorship for AHPs as many do not recognise supernumery time.
Will this be mandatory for entrants new to the register as is nursing preceptorship?
The HCPC Principles for Preceptorship and the AHP Preceptorship Standards and Framework are strongly recommended in line and the same as the NMC Principles for Preceptorship and the nursing and midwifery frameworks. Point R7 within the AHP Preceptorship Implementation Framework states that organisations can choose to make AHP Preceptorship participation mandatory. Evidence shows that this action has positive benefits on recruitment and retention.
Is this for apprenticeships? Is this aimed for role transitions for experienced staff too?
Yes - AHP Preceptorship is a period of structured support provided to AHPs at key moments of career transition. This includes joining the workforce for the first time, returning to work after a long period away (including being re-admitted to the register), working in the UK for the first time, taking up a new role, or moving to a new organisation.
Do Preceptors have to be from the same profession as Preceptees?
The preceptor should be the person with the most appropriate skills to support the preceptee, this may mean they are from a different profession or even organisation.
The HCPC recommends that wherever possible, preceptors should be drawn from outside the preceptees management chain, so that the two are not confused and that the relationship between the preceptor and preceptee is understood to be supportive and developmental.
In the resources tool kit are there any examples of feedback forms for preceptees and preceptors so we can collect the relevant feedback?
There are not presently any examples of feedback forms, but we could explore this for addition to the toolkit in the future.
What are the differences between preceptorship and other forms of support such as supervision, probation and induction?
Preceptorship is not workplace induction, probation, or a substitute for mandatory training. It is distinct from clinical supervision and performance management. It is a supportive intervention to ensure that individuals’ workforce transitions are successful for both individuals and the organisations in which they work.
For more information please see this HCPC article on differences between preceptorship and other forms of support.