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Resources for AHP international recruits into the NHS workforce

If trained overseas and never formally registered with the HCPC, application via the international registrant’s pathway to the HCPC international registrant’s pathway is a pre-requisite step.

Further relevant case studies have been produced and are available to read.

Resources supporting AHP international recruitment

Further resources to support AHP international recruits can be found below:

Bespoke training for Radiographers and their managers - Developed in the South West region through collaboration between NHS Improvement and Health Education England and utilising the knowledge and skills of the SW Diagnostic Radiographer Workforce Advisory Group and Plymouth Marjon University. Workplace Integration for RadiographersThis is a short, on-line modular course aimed at international recruits, recruiting managers and team members focusing on what to expect and how to prepare for working in the UK and working with international recruits. Whilst aimed at Radiographers, much of the content is applicable to all AHP groups.                                     

Fundamentals of personalised care - There are nationally available short courses aimed at empowering patients to feel more in control of their physical and mental health. Personalised Care Institute supports health and care professionals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to help patients get more involved in decisions about their care. The PCI offer free online modules developing ideas of Personalised Care, with particularly relevant to international healthcare recruits looking to transition into the NHS: Core Skills, Shared Decision Making and Personalised Care and Support Planning

E-learning programmes to support the Health and care workforce - E-learning-for-healthcare (Health Education England) delivers a large range of e-learning programmes which support the health and care workforce. Full access requires an NHS address or an OpenAthens account, although limited programmes are still available by registering with a personal email. Some elements of the e-learning for health course index are available through limited registration access. The ​Step to Work programme,  a programme to support AHPs transition between education to employment into a Health and Social Care setting, is available with full access. 

Understanding the NHS - The Kings Fund host a free on-line course to help people understand the building blocks of the NHS          

The NHS Constitution - This establishes the principles and values of the NHS in England. It sets out rights to which patients, public and staff are entitled, and pledges which the NHS is committed to achieve, together with responsibilities, which the public, patients and staff owe to one another to ensure that the NHS operates fairly and effectively.

Working in the NHS - This provides information about pay and conditions.

NHS Employers  - NHS Terms and conditions - This provides further information on the NHS Terms and Conditions.

NHS Jargon buster

All AHP professions in the UK are governed by their professional bodies, setting the standards for practice and offering professional support and information to members and the public. Each have a website accessible to all, with also member only areas providing access to a wide range of professional development material and network groups. Membership fees for professionals varies across the bodies, and generally includes practice liability insurance, now a condition of HCPC registration. Links to the professional bodies can be found here: UK AHP Professional Bodies.

In addition the following links provide more support for international registrants regarding working in the UK:

Royal College of Occupational Therapists - Working in the UK

Society of Radiographers - Working in the UK

Chartered Society of Physiotherapists - Working in the UK - advice for non-UK citizens