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Career change to AHP

If you are considering a change of career think about joining one of the 14 Allied Health Professions (AHPs).

There are many different AHP careers; from being part of a central team in emergency response and diagnosis, to supporting long-term mental and physical rehabilitation.

You might think that to become an AHP you have to plan that career from a young age, but many people make a change mid-career.


Motivations for changing to become an AHP

Making a real difference to people

Some career changers are motivated by seeing how AHPs make such a difference to the people they work with;

Whilst working for Comic Relief I saw a drama therapy project in action I was so impressed that I decided to change my career and become a drama therapist.  Louise, communications manager to drama therapist

Greater job security

Many people have experienced redundancy or need to find a career which will offer them greater job security;

Having been to drama school and worked for a few years as a professional actor, the time came for me to consider a more stable profession! I wanted a secure job that gave me further opportunities to work in different environments. James, professional actor to paramedic

Greater fulfilment

Some people get to a stage where they realise there is something missing from their current career;

I started life working in radio advertising and loved the creative aspect but was frustrated that the work I was doing didn't seem very 'helpful'. Jessica, radio advertising manager to occupational therapist

Follow the experiences of AHP career changers

There are many routes to changing your career and becoming AHP.  Find out what motivated these people and then visit the Health Careers website to find out more about each of the 14 AHP roles. 

Financial support

With new annual payments are available to support selected AHP courses for undergraduates and graduates there has never been a better time to consider a career change to AHP.