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Stimulate demand
Our aim is to make Allied Health Professions the career of choice and stimulate and incentivise applications for AHP undergraduate course places.
Projects and campaigns
International AHP registrants
Health Education England have developed a step by step guide to support HCPC registration for AHPs who have trained outside of the UK. Click here for more information.
Career choice research
HEE is working with The University of Winchester as part of an ongoing study to understand why AHP students have chosen their careers.
By understanding motivators and barriers we aim to:
- Increase student recruitment into the 14 professions and grow the AHP workforce
- Improve patient access to quality care
- Raise awareness of the small and vital professions
- Improve equality and diversity in the AHP workforce
- Identify and action interventions to support student recruitment
Click here for more information.
Raising awareness in the Armed Forces
People who have been in the armed forces have a great set of transferable skills that will be a credit to any NHS organisation. HEE has spoken to a number of AHPs who have previously worked in the armed forces to develop a suite of video and written case studies to share their real experiences of starting their career in the NHS. Click here to access them.
Making a change mid-career
You might think that to become an AHP you have to plan that career from a young age, but many people make a change mid-career. There are many different career paths; from being part of a central team in emergency response and diagnosis to supporting long-term mental and physical rehabilitation. Click here for more information.
The AHP quick guide to work experience identifies the reasons for offering work experience, links to resources available to support the development of work experience opportunities and shares good practice from both pre and post COVID-19.
The AHP quick guide to volunteering has been written to support the development of the volunteer workforce.
The Quick Guide to Allied Health Professions Careers Awareness has been written to provided evidence-based information and advice for those wanting to promote AHP careers and to engage in AHP careers awareness activities.
Future-proofing the Podiatry Workforce
HEE is working with partner organisations to ensure there is a sustained supply of regulated podiatrists to support the care of patients in the NHS who need their services.
Consultation for draft Standards for the Foot Health Workforce
As part of this work, HEE has developed a draft set of standards for the foot health practitioner and podiatry support workforce. HEE is consulted on these standards from Monday 23 November 2020 until midday Monday 15 February 2021.
Recognising that the wealth of AHP talent may not always be fully utilised, HEE have created an online AHPs’ Universe of Opportunities careers resource to raise awareness of the vast array of opportunities available.
Working with the AHP professional bodies, the resource includes eight core areas that could be consider to develop their career, all whilst potentially continuing in clinical practice. It includes insight from AHPs working within these areas, with voices from across all 14 allied health professions – plus useful information and links to resources to demonstrate the art of the possibility of career development. The resource can be accessed on our e-lfh pages.
The AHP Careers Awareness Toolkit page is designed to provide you with resources and signposting to support you in raising awareness of allied health professional (AHP) careers to those aspiring to work in health and social care.