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Raising concerns about training and revalidation (including complaints)
HEE values feedback from doctors in training which enables learning, development, and improvement. Where there are concerns about how training is delivered and the impact that has on the quality of the training experience, we want to know so that it can be explored and addressed appropriately.
It is therefore important that there is a transparent and easily accessible process to raise concerns and where necessary make a complaint. Equally, trainees should feel confident that their concerns are taken seriously and that they are not disadvantaged by raising the concern.
An HEE Complaints Policy for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education (PGMDE) has gone live from October 2020. In developing the policy, HEE has committed to the following principles:
- HEE will ensure that complaints and concerns are properly investigated in an unbiased, transparent, timely and appropriate manner. The outcome of any investigation, along with any resulting actions, will be explained to the complainant.
- The key issues taken into consideration are that a complainant needs to:
- know how to complain.
- feel confident that their complaint will be dealt with seriously.
- understand that their concerns will be investigated, and they will be informed of the findings of that investigation.
- trust that HEE will learn from complaints, feedback and praise, then apply those lessons whilst also learning from and sharing best practice.
If you wish to make a complaint about your training programme, please refer to and download the complaints policy for information about the process including how to make a complaint here. Download a copy of the complaints form for submission of complaints here.
Please note that this policy is currently under review and an updated version will be uploaded here by the end of 2021.