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AHP Midlands
Welcome to the NHSE Midlands Allied health professions (AHP) Workforce Training and Education Directorate Webpage
This webpage focuses on the work of NHS England’s, AHP Workforce Training and Education Directorate, across the Midlands and acts as a resource for all Allied health professions (AHP) on regional news, events, opportunities, view the Midlands AHP Network Update, and find links to useful resources.
You can also meet the team, view updates on our workstreams and find links to useful resources.
Please encourage all Allied health professions (AHP) in the Midlands to access this site and to stay up to date with the latest news/opportunities and sharing of good practice across the region.
For general enquiries, please email the team’s generic account on
Meet the team
Helen Marriott
Helen is a Physiotherapist by profession. She is currently employed as the Regional Head of Allied health professions (AHP) and has been in this position since January 2019. Helen has responsibility for the overall Allied health professions (AHP) programme within HEE. Helen also leads nationally on Allied health professions (AHP) preceptorship and early careers support. | Twitter: @MarriottHelen
Meg Parr
Meg is a Podiatrist by profession and has worked in the NHS for 17 years. She is currently employed as an Allied health professions (AHP) Workforce Lead and has been in this role since September 2021. Her current workstreams include Placement Recovery, Capacity and Expansion, Attrition and Quality and Radiography Workforce Supply. | Twitter: @Podparr
Jenny Davies
Jenny is a Physiotherapist by profession and has worked in the NHS for over 20 years, joining us from Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust, where she is Lead Physiotherapist for Community Integrated Neuro and Stroke Service. Jenny is also employed as RePAIR Fellow with (Health Education England (HEE) and has been in this role since July 2022. Her current workstreams include Pre-registration Student Attrition, NETS and Differential Attainment. | Twitter: @jennydrugby
Candice Mansell
Candice is an Advanced Clinical Practitioner and have worked in Emergency Medicine since 2015. Prior to that, she was a Paramedic for 14 years. She completed her MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice through the HEE pathway. She is very excited to be working as Paramedic Fellow as part of the NHSE National Clinical Leadership Fellowship Opportunity. Her employer, the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust has been incredibly supportive of this secondment to the Workforce Training and Education Directorate with the Midlands Team. She is incredibly passionate about education and is looking forward to working with Ambulance Trusts and HEI's to improve paramedic education and develop a highly skilled workforce of the future. As part of my role, she is also responsible for ODP's and all Allied Health Professionals looking to return to practice. Email
Nicola Leonhardt
Nicola is a Physiotherapist and has worked in the NHS for 25 years. Her substantive role is leading the adult Critical Care Physiotherapy team at the Royal Derby Hospital, UHDB NHS Foundation Trust. She recently undertook a secondment as AHP/Healthcare Science Workforce Lead for UHDB. Nicola is supporting the workstreams of AHP's in Neonatal Services and NETS.
Hari Tippa
Hari is an Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Physiotherapist by background and has worked in different NHS Trusts for 18 years, most recently at Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Hari has worked as a project Lead for Birmingham and Solihull (BSOL) AHP Faculty and AHP Council and recently undertook a secondment as Clinical AHP Leadership Fellow for Equality, diversity, inclusion and Belonging (EDIB). The fellowship focuses on improving the diversity of our AHP and Pre-registration student workforce, placement experiences, attrition and reducing attainment gaps of students from protected characteristics and who are neurodivergent. | twitter - @HariTippa
Rhian Saville
Rhian is a Music Therapist by profession and has worked in the NHS for nearly 30 years, primarily at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in the Learning Disability, Adult Mental Health and Child and Adolescent Mental Health services in clinical and leadership roles. Rhian is currently employed as Allied Health Professions (AHP) Leadership Fellow for Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism. | twitter - @RhianSaville
Meet the AHP Preceptorship and Foundation Support Team
Amanda Weaver
Amanda is a Physiotherapist by profession and has worked in the NHS for over 20 years with the last 5 years concentrating on the areas of early career development; including placement provision, preceptorship, apprenticeships and Allied health professions (AHP) workforce. Employed since 2022 as the Workforce Lead for the Allied health professions (AHP) Preceptorship and Foundation Support Programme | Twitter: @amandaweaves
Rosie Harry
Rosie is a Speech and Language Therapist by profession. She is currently employed as an Allied Health Professions (AHP) Preceptorship Workforce Fellow and has been in this position since November 2023.
Sally Murr
Sally has joined the Preceptorship and Foundation Support Programme team as an AHP Preceptorship Workforce Fellow.
Sally is an Operating Department Practitioner by profession and has worked in the NHS since 2008. She has a background in Quality Improvement and has most recently worked within the Somerset AHP Faculty as the Preceptorship Facilitator.
The Midlands Region
The Midlands region is made up of 11 Integrated Care Systems, each with a HEE-supported AHP Faculty, providing services to a population of 10.8million people (ONS, 2021 Census)
Within our region we have 39 NHS provider organisations, 2 ambulance trusts, 15 Higher Education Institutes running Allied health professions (AHP) courses and a workforce of approximately 23,000 Allied health professions (AHP) (headcount).
The Midlands also has 12,300 Allied health professions (AHP) student learners currently studying towards becoming fully-qualified, registered Allied Health Professionals. The Higher Education Institutes currently offering Allied health professions (AHP) courses within the Midlands include;
- Birmingham City University
- University of Birmingham
- University College Birmingham
- Coventry University
- Derby University
- Keele University
- Leicester University
- DeMontfort University
- University of Lincoln
- University of Northampton
- University of Nottingham
- Nottingham Trent University
- Staffordshire University
- University of Wolverhampton
- University of Worcester
- Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent
- Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
- Derbyshire
- Lincolnshire
- Nottinghamshire
- Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
- The Black Country
- Birmingham and Solihull
- Coventry and Warwickshire
- Herefordshire and Worcestershire
- Northamptonshire
National Allied health professions (AHP) Foundation Preceptorship website
HEE International Recruitment resources
HEE AHP Return to Practice webpage
NHS Employers Advanced and Enhanced Practice
HEE National Education and Training Survey (NETS)