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South west news

Coming soon - news and events in the south west region.

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Displaying 49 - 54 of 116 items

Training care home residents and staff about oral health

Posted28 March 2023

HEE south west’s team of dental hygienists delivered a 45-minute session to care home residents and staff at Primley House in Paignton with approximately 40 residents aged over 65 years old with nursing or personal care needs. The team offer training to members of the health and social care...

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The South West Public Health Virtual Scientific Conference

Posted27 March 2023

The south west public health virtual scientific conference took place earlier this month with the aim to showcase both service and university based public health research and evaluation from across the south west.

The conference was attended by a wide range of public health academic and...

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Leadership placement update in our region

Posted24 March 2023

Leadership placements within Health Education England (HEE) provide students with opportunities to learn leadership skills, develop soft skills and understand the NHS outside of clinical practice. 

The south west’s latest placement students, Ellie Pollard and Kylie Baker, both...

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Career planning support – what's available

Posted22 March 2023

Our career planning support team is here to help you take control of your own career. The services we provide are confidential, and the advice given is impartial. Our aim is to provide a client-centred service that can be accessed flexibly according to your needs. 

It is important to...

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Meet the team - March

Posted22 March 2023

Meet the team bringing you the latest south west bulletin for postgraduate doctors and dentists in training

We’ve worked with colleagues across training and education to bring...

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Doctors and dentists in training March bulletin

Posted22 March 2023

Doctors and dentists in training March bulletin

We have published our latest bulletin for postgraduate doctors and dentists in training in the south west. 

This bulletin was created in collaboration with doctors and dentists in training and aims to highlight the training opportunities...

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