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AHPs Supporting Integration

In its broadest sense, the national Integration Agenda refers to the need for the whole AHP workforce to collaborate, alongside multi-disciplinary colleagues to deliver services to people in an integrated way across health, social care, and wider sectors. This may be at place-based and Integrated Care System level, as well as from a regional perspective. Given the multi-faceted nature of integration, and the iterative journey towards this ambition, this webpage showcases a continuum of projects comprising the story so far.  This is not the end of the journey, and in many senses, signifies a step-change in the future direction of integrated working.

Below, is a continuum of national projects that have sequentially contributed towards the move towards integration for AHPs. These projects are interdependent; each preceding project has shaped the next. Click on each tile below to access the associated report or resource. Accessible versions can be found here:

To deliver on this integration ambition, a collective and joined-up effort from our entire AHP community is fundamental. For example, the most recent AHPs in Integration project provides tangible and actionable recommendations that AHPs in both local authorities and the NHS can implement in practice. We must work in collaboration to collectively realise the potential of our AHP health and social care workforce, both registered and non-registered, for delivering high quality services to our people and populations.


Meet Claire Guyatt

A former AHP Clinical Fellow shared with us her experiences on leading the delivery of the AHPs Leading Integration project:

Photo of Claire Guyatt

Being the AHP National Clinical Fellow for the Workforce, Training and Education Directorate (NHS England) 2022-2023, has been insightful, a positive challenge and has unlocked opportunities for my future career journey. As an Occupational Therapist, I have valued the opportunity to build networks and connections with colleagues in social care, specifically local authorities. This has been a fundamental aspect of the project I have been collaboratively leading; AHPs supporting the integration agenda.  

Working cohesively across social care and health at place, system and regional level is essential for delivering high quality care to people and populations. Indeed, recognising, appreciating, and showcasing the value and impact of Occupational Therapy and wider Allied Health Professions in social care, is paramount to the step-change needed for integration. It has been a privilege to collaborate with the national and regional Principal and Strategic Lead Occupational Therapist Networks across England.  The inception, development and ongoing maturity of the networks is testament to the determination, vision, and leadership of their members.

AHPs Leading Integration

The national portfolio for Sara Ennew (East of England Regional Head of AHPs, Workforce, Training & Education (WT&E) Directorate, NHS England). Fellowship project led by: Claire Guyatt (AHP National Clinical Fellow, WT&E Directorate, NHS England)

Visit the 2022-2023 project