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Apprenticeships for AHP Support Workers
Our Allied Health Profession Support Worker competency framework enables employers, networks, integrated care systems (ICSs) and services to effectively plan, develop, and deploy their AHP support workforce.
As part of this work, we have launched a nationally led procurement process, focusing on the following apprenticeships:
This will result in a provider framework for employers.
This work will ensure:
- high quality patient care, through education focussed on patient needs and care pathways,
- clearer education pathways for allied health support workers, and progress on to further education opportunities without barriers,
- consistent education provision through alignment with relevant competency frameworks, and,
- development of occupation and/or profession specific Assistant Practitioner apprenticeships in response to employer demand.
AHP support worker apprenticeships employers guide 2023.
Midland's region: Apprenticeships (Level 3 - Senior Healthcare Worker and Level 5 - Assistant Practitioner) for Allied Health Professions (AHP) Support Workers - recording of webinar held on 10 July 2023
Description: Newly contextualised AHP Level 3 (Senior Healthcare Worker) and Level 5 (Assistant Practitioner) Apprenticeships. Work has been undertaken to ensure these apprenticeship offers have been standardised nationally and the content made more relevant to AHP Support Worker roles. The webinar promotes apprenticeships available from local and national providers and includes the following speakers:
- Seema Rughani, NHSE Midlands Workforce, Training and Education Directorate AHP Team
- Liz Sahu, Relationship Manager (Apprenticeships) Talent for Care (Midlands)
- Sue Wyburn, Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland AHP Faculty
- Kirsty Miles, Tammy Dunn, Danielle Anderson, Operating Department Practitioner Apprentices, Chesterfield Royal Hospital
- Stephanie Stevenson, Occupational Therapy apprentice, Nottinghamshire County Council
Webinar recording: L3 & L5 Apprenticeships for AHP Support Workers - in this section Apprenticeships for AHP Support Workers | Health Education England (
Past Webinars
We held the AHP Support Workforce Apprenticeships Procurement - Provider Webinar on Monday 26 September and you can watch the recording below and view the slides.
This webinar was facilitated by HEE to provide apprenticeship providers an overview of the purpose of the AHP support workforce programme and the procurement opportunity that is currently available.
HEE is seeking high quality training providers to develop and deliver Senior Healthcare Supporter Worker Level 3 and Assistant Practitioner Level 5 apprenticeship programmes for AHP support workers, which will ensure:
- Effective mapping of competency and profession specific standards and frameworks to the apprenticeships, which results in nationally consistent approaches.
- Development of profession specific Level 5 Assistant Practitioner apprenticeships according to employer demand.
Our aim is to have consistent, occupation-specific, and sustainable education and career development pathways for AHP support workers, and fair opportunities to access these, implemented by provider services across England by April 2024.
We want to create high quality development pathways that is underpinned by the Allied Health Profession Support Worker competency, education and career framework, and supports AHP support workers to deliver outstanding patient care, and progress their careers without barriers.
As part of this work, we carried out an assessment of employer demand for AHP support workforce apprenticeships for public sector AHP services and/or publicly funded health and care.
This enabled HEE to:
- Ensure the development of these apprenticeships are employer led to meet current and future care models.
- Support occupation and/or profession specific delivery.
- Ensure sustainable, viable cohorts regionally and/or nationally.
- Inform providers tendering to deliver the apprenticeship programme through the framework.
- Ensure the framework provides adequate coverage of apprenticeship providers across the country.
- Convene national implementation groups.
This work seeks high quality providers for the level 3 Senior Healthcare Support Worker and level 5 Assistant Practitioner apprenticeships.
In 2022 we released a tender for the level 3 Senior Healthcare Support Worker (therapy support option) and level 5 Assistant Practitioner apprenticeships.
We seek to appoint training providers:
- With a demonstrable record of high-quality apprenticeship provision (including having an overall rating of Ofsted Good or higher)
- Who commit to working collaboratively via implementation groups facilitated by HEE.
This document provides a list of general AHP Support Workforce Apprenticeships frequently asked questions.
Additional information and resources on apprenticeships are available here.