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Roadmap Verification Changes

The main changes to the roadmap verification process are as follows and will depend on where you are in the process itself:

If you have successfully competed both Stage 1 & 2 of the FCP Roadmap and you have the following documentation...

  • A completed Roadmap to Practice checklist – the template can be found in section 9.4 of the appropriate Roadmap. It should be signed and dated by you and your supervisor when each component of Stage 1 and 2 is completed.
  • Certificates of completed Stage 1 elearning modules.
  • Evidence of Stage 1 completion – a completed portfolio of evidence relevant to your area of practiceIf a Taught Route was undertaken to complete Stage 1, your portfolio will include evidence from the education provider that you have completed the relevant FCP module/s. See further information.
  • Evidence of Stage 2 completion – a completed portfolio of evidence of Primary Care training. This includes completed copies of all the Stage 2 documents listed in the FCP Roadmap to Practice, including a Personal Development Plan, reflective learning logs and a record of Workplace Based Assessments. See further information.


  • You may have completed a course provided by a university where both Stages 1 & 2 were successfully completed – if this is the case, then evidence of successful completion of both Stages 1 & 2, and your portfolio, as described above, will suffice.

…then you already have all the necessary documentation to demonstrate that you have completed the FCP Roadmap Process. You can show this to your employer when that is required as this constitutes supervisor sign off.

If you are in the process of completing Stages 1 &/or 2 of the FCP Roadmap and you anticipate completing before April 2024, then the guidance is that you complete the process and maintain your portfolio to demonstrate that you have met the FCP Roadmap requirements.

However, it may be the case that if you haven’t started or have only just started the process, or you don’t anticipate completing until after April 2024, then you are advised to take advantage of the funded FCP courses that are advertised on the Education Providers of FCP Training or one of the FCP Courses offered by education providers that have self declared that their programmes map to the FCP Roadmaps.