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First Contact Practice - Self Declaration for Education Providers

The Centre for Advancing Practice is offering Education Providers e.g., Universities, the opportunity to self declare that modules/programmes intended for individuals working in FCP roles, map to the following FCP Roadmaps to Practice. Education Providers who successfully complete the process can describe their FCP modules/programmes as ‘Centre Recognised’.

The process involves the education provider answering threshold questions related to their provision and mapping each of their FCP modules/programmes to the appropriate FCP Knowledge, Skills, and Attribute Framework.

See the following links to each of the FCP mapping Documents and the Self Declaration Guidance Document:

Once the mapping is completed the provider is then asked to contact FCPRecognition@hee.nhs.uk to confirm that the mapping has been completed for each FCP Roadmap module/programme. The Centre will then provide detail of the Self-Declaration process, and once this is submitted, the Centre will review and seek ratification by the Education Assurance Group.