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Medicines optimisation

Medicines optimisation is about helping people to get the best outcomes from their medicines. It describes systems and processes used by staff, working in health and social care, which ensure that people receive the best possible care with medicines.

The School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation was developed as part of the wider schools’ structure within the north. There are two teams; North East and Yorkshire (NEY) and North West to respond to the need for education and training about medicines for a wide range of staff. The school teams are led by David Gibson (NEY) and Dr Jane Brown (NW).

The schools’ programmes support the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, which requires the NHS to transform and meet a series of challenges to improve the delivery of and outcomes for patients from NHS services. The pharmacy workforce has a wide role in increasing access alongside working with other health care professionals in meeting these challenges.

The school works with colleagues both locally and nationally to address the workforce challenges and support people to achieve better outcomes and use of medicines. NHS England are working on some key projects under the overarching themes of the Medicines Value Programme, the Pharmacy Integration Fund and the Pharmacy Reform Programme.

The school will develop clinical and medicines optimisation skills within pharmacy and the wider workforce who prescribe, handle, dispense or administer medicines. It aims to equip both the current and future workforce with the right knowledge, skills, values and behaviours to ensure support for patients and carers in all care settings.

To contact the regional schools please email:

North East and Yorkshire: england.wtepharmacy.ney@nhs.net


North West: england.wte.pharmacy.nw@nhs.net

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