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Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)

TEL provides access to educational technologies, simulation and immersive services, platforms and content and communities of practice which are equitable, efficient and sustainable and are changing how the health and care workforce learns.

Educational technologies allow the NHS to meet the challenges of growing, training and upskilling the workforce at scale and realise financial and time savings. TEL also provides strategic support, guidance and insight across the system, enhancing digital strategies and practices and making evidence-based educational technologies accessible to all.

Our services include:

  • Learning platforms which are free at the point of access and available 24/7, with a range of specialist training and resources to support the health and care workforce.
  • More than 500 elearning programmes for all roles across health and care with specialist content developed with partners and clinical experts.
  • Access at scale to XR solutions and devices, gathering research and evidence, and building a network of best practice and case studies which benefit patient care.
  • Setting the national strategic vision for XR and simulation, developing a Simulation Faculty programme and providing support for technicians to encourage collaboration and innovation.
  • Virtual and Hybrid Learning faculty and Community of Practice to support educators and technicians and meet the strategic needs of ICS and local organisations.
  • TEL Readiness and Maturity (TRaM) Assessment to overcome barriers of TEL adoption, identify gaps and needs of systems and organisations.
  • TEL supports PGDME, education commissioning and reform, blended learning, national NHS programmes and regional teams and provides professional and system leadership in education technology.

If you are thinking of developing digital or online learning resources, contact us by emailing: support@e-lfh.org.uk you can also follow us on twitter @NHSE_WTE

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter, TEL News, by emailing: england.wtereformcomms@nhs.net and read our TEL Blog.

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