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Webinars and events
As part of HEE’s national AHP support workforce programme, we are holding a series of webinars and events.
These webinars are intended to compliment and support culture change, dissemination, and the implementation of this programme. Slides and recordings (where possible) will be uploaded to YouTube and shared on this page.
Please get in touch with any suggestions or feedback for HEE’s national AHP support workforce team:
A national webinar was held on 13 September 2023. This webinar was for AHP support workers and those who supervise or manage them to gain a better understanding of the AHPs Deliver strategy for England.
This webinar aimed to enable attendees to:
• Have a clear understanding of the AHPs Deliver strategy.
• Understand how the strategy applies to AHP support workers.
• Be able to contribute to its implementation and support others to do so.
• Reflect on the roles and impact of other AHP support workers.
• Recognise the value and role of AHP support workers in transforming health and care for our patient population.
This webinar was aimed at:
AHP support workers.
Supervisors / managers of AHP support workers.
Speakers included:
Venus Madden - Clinical Fellow to the Chief Allied Health Professions Officer (CAHPO), NHS England (NHSE).
Gaby Ford, AHP Clinical Fellow, National AHP Support Workforce Programme, NHSE.
Loretta Achiekwelu, Project Manager, National AHP Support Workforce Programme, NHSE.
Katie Ellis (AHP Support Worker Project Officer Lead & Early Years Therapy Assistant, Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust).
Olufunmilayo Oludare (Occupational Therapy Apprentice, North East London NHS Foundation Trust & CAHPO BAME SAG support worker representative).
Charlotte Smith (Adult Social Care Worker, Adult Social Services, North Somerset Council).
Karen Ellames (Assistant Practitioner for Children’s Therapy, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust).
Slides, the webinar recording, and participant feedback can be accessed here: Future NHS
The national AHP support workforce programme held a national webinar on 19 June 2023. This webinar aimed to build on the AHP public health strategic framework and AHPs deliver strategy in clarifying and enabling colleagues to have a better understanding of the role and value of AHP support workers within public health. This webinar was supported by members of the national NHS England personalised care programme and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.
This webinar covered:
- The AHP support workforce guide to embedding public health in practice and other useful resources.
- How AHP support workers can influence the wider determinants of health - health improvement, population health care, health protection and health inequalities.
- The value and impact of AHP support worker roles within public health benefitting the whole population’s health and wellbeing.
- Lived experience of a service user showcasing exemplar practice.
- The value and importance of personalised care creating compassionate and inclusive cultures underpinning public health principles.
- Panel of AHP support workers showcasing their roles within public health.
This webinar was aimed at:
- AHP support workers
- AHPs
- AHP professional leads
- Chief AHPs / AHP leads
- ICS / ICB / AHP faculty colleagues
- AHP professional bodies
Speakers included:
- Linda Hindle, Deputy Chief AHP Officer for England and National Engagement Lead for Police, Fire and Ambulance Services, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
- Katrina Kennedy, Associate Director of Allied Health Professionals, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Nicola Gitsham, Head of Healthcare Inequalities, Improvement and Personalisation, NHS England
- Chloe Stewart, National Specialist Clinical Advisor in Personalised Care, NHS England
- Rob Moriarty, Lived Experience Peer Leader, NHS England
- Katie Betteridge, Senior Therapy Assistant – Burns & Plastics, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
- Caroline Delves, Rehabilitation Support Worker - Post Covid Assessment and Support Service, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
- Joe Maslen, Theatre Support Worker, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- Gaby Ford, AHP Clinical Fellow, National AHP Support Workforce Programme, NHS England
Please click here for the webinar slide deck
If you have any queries, please contact the team via
The national webinar from the Allied Health Professions (AHP) support workforce programme, focusing on inclusive recruitment for AHP support workers took place on Monday 15 May 2023, 14.00-15.30.
Our expert panel coverered topics including:
- Improving equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging for the AHP support workforce
- Understanding the benefits of inclusive recruitment approaches for staff, services, patients and communities
- Successes, enablers and barriers to successful recruitment and retention
- ‘Grow your own’ recruitment approaches
- Lessons learned from the national Health Care Support Workforce programme
There was also an opportunity for open discussion and a Q&A session for the panel.
This webinar was aimed at those involved in the recruitment, retention, and development of AHP support workers including:
- AHP support workers
- Chief AHPs and AHP professional leads
- Recruitment and apprenticeship leads
- EDIB leads
- ICB AHP Faculty and Workforce Leads
- AHP professional bodies
Speakers and panel included:
- Richard Griffin, Professor of Healthcare Management, Kings College, London
- Steve McCall, Group Partnership Manager for Department of Work and Pensions, North East, England
- Stefanie Johnson, Head of Recruitment, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- NHS England HCSW programme representative
- Ruth Mhlanga, Chair, Chief Allied Health Professions Officer BAME Strategic Advisory Group
- Rita Thakaria, Vice Chair, Chief Allied Health Professions Officer BAME Strategic Advisory Group
- Naomi McVey, North West Regional Head of Allied Health Professions (AHPs), National Lead for AHP Support Workforce Programme
- Suraiya Hassan, AHP Workforce Lead, National AHP Support Workforce Programme
The slide deck for the webinar can be accessed here.
For more information please contact the team via
The national AHP support workforce team and Health and Care Professions Council held a national webinar on 27 March 2023. This webinar aimed to improve understanding around supervision, accountability and delegation of activities to support workers, including myth busting and highlighting supporting standards, guidance and resources.
This webinar covered:
- What good clinical supervision, delegation & accountability looks like.
- Lived experience showcasing exemplar practice with a scenario.
- Organisational policies & processes enabling safe & effective delegation.
- HCPC and professional body guidance and resources.
- Opportunity for open discussions and Q&A panel.
This webinar was aimed at:
- AHP support workers.
- AHPs.
- AHP professional leads.
- Chief AHPs / AHP leads / service leads.
- ICS / ICB / AHP faculty and workforce leads.
- AHP professional bodies.
Speakers included:
- Katie Betteridge, Senior Therapy Assistant – Burns & Plastics, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
- Ruth Capewell, Senior Speech & Language Therapist - Critical Care & Burns, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
- Kim Tolley, Interim Head of Professionalism & upstream regulation, Health Care Professions Council.
- Anne Keen, Professional Advisory Service Manager, Royal College of Occupational Therapists.
- Sharon Gradwell, Assistant Director for AHPs, Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust.
- Gaby Ford, AHP Clinical Fellow, National AHP Support Workforce Programme, Health Education England.
Please click here to view the recording of the webinar
Please click here for the webinar slide deck
For more information contact the team via
The national AHP support workforce team held a national webinar on 12th December 2022. This was a celebration webinar showcasing AHP support workforce and their brilliance, shining a spotlight on the AHP lead support worker roles and AHP support workforce case studies. Slides from which are available to view. Watch the recording of this webinar now. Visual minutes are available to view here.
This webinar aimed to inspire, highlight, and celebrate the AHP support workforce and covered:
Exemplar lead AHP support worker career journeys.
A panel of support workers answering questions around their case studies chaired by a support worker.
Sharing regional excellence from across all 7 regions of England.
Service user speaker highlighting the impact of support workers on patient care.
Keynote session on career progression.
Presentation to winners of national awards for Outstanding leadership, Supporting our people, Reaching your potential, and Contribution to positive, compassionate, and inclusive working.
Speakers included:
- Luke Capon, AHP support workforce lead, North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust
- Marisa Murphy, AHP support workforce lead, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Jaya Venayak, Paediatric Dietetic Support Worker, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Rujeko Mada, Associate Practice Educator for support workers (AHP & HCSWs), Solent NHS Trust
- Katie Betteridge, Senior Therapy Assistant – Burns & Plastics, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
- Mary Jolayemi, Band 5 support worker educator, Barking, Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust
- Kimberley Leonard, Podiatry assistant, Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Caroline Poole, Professional Head of Allied Health Professions, NHS England
- Beverley Harden, National AHP lead, Health Education England
- Naomi McVey, National AHP support workforce lead, Health Education England
- Tomas Ince, AHP workforce fellow – London, Health Education England
- Andrea Morgan, Workforce development lead – South West, Health Education England
- Grace Smith, Regional AHP Workforce Fellow- South East, Health Education England
- Seema Rughani, AHP Faculties and Support Workforce Fellow – Midlands, Health Education England
- Gareth Cornell, Regional Workforce Lead (AHP) North West, Health Education England
- Rachel Spink, AHP Clinical Fellow - North East and Yorkshire (NEY) Region, Health Education England
- Charlann Oakley, AHP Clinical Fellow– East of England, Health Education England
The national AHP support workforce team held a national webinar on 20th June 2022, focusing on briefing and supporting Chief AHPs across England with regards to best practice in NHS job evaluation for AHP support workers. Slides from which are available to view. Watch the recording of this webinar now.
This webinar was supported by members of the national NHS Job Evaluation Group, Unison, and professional bodies.
This webinar covered:
The NHS People Promise at the heart of local work to develop support workers.
How the AHP Support Worker Competency, Education and Career Development Framework was developed to be consistent with NHS job evaluation policy and practice.
Equality and equal pay - the principles and process of NHS job evaluation, its relevance to the NHS today, and the importance of following this process for the AHP support workers.
The role of the national job evaluation group, including national job profiles, and how they work with employers with regards to AHP support workforce roles and banding.
Working in partnership with staff side as ICSs and employers.
- Louise Chinnery, Staff Side Co-chair, Job Evaluation Group
- Salli Roddis, Joint Management Co-chair, Job Evaluation Group
- Celestine Laporte, Unison National Officer – Health
- Sue Johnson, Professional Officer Clinical Imaging, Society of Radiographers
- Claire Fordham, Non-registered workforce professional lead, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
- Naomi McVey, National Lead for AHP Support Workforce, Health Education England
- Richard Griffin, Professor of Healthcare Management, King’s Business School, King’s College London
- Gaby Ford, AHP Clinical Fellow, National AHP Support Workforce Programme, Health Education England
AHP support workforce - Demystifying qualifications masterclass, 21 January 2022.
As a response to several enquires to the national AHP support workforce team around educational qualifications a masterclass took place on 21st January for AHP workforce supply project leads and AHP support workforce supply project leads. Slides from this can be accessed here. Watch the recording of this webinar now. This masterclass supported the implementation of our AHP Support Worker Competency, Education and Career Development Framework and national AHP workforce supply strategy project, by demystifying the basics around qualifications.
This session aimed to clarify and enable colleagues to have a clear understanding of educational qualifications, to enable the implementation of the AHP competency framework.
This masterclass covered:
- HEE’s national vision for the AHP support workforce programme
- The AHP support workforce education & qualifications guide and other useful resources
- The differences between educational levels, qualifications, apprenticeships, and functional skills
- The value and importance of functional skills / skills for life
- Support available from HEE regional and national teams
- Richard Griffin, Professor of Healthcare Management, King’s Business School, King’s College London
- Gemma Hall, Apprenticeship relationship manager, North West, National Talent for Care Team, Health Education England
- Kirsty Marsh-Hyde, National programme manager – apprenticeships, Talent for Care Team, Health Education England
- Gaby Ford, AHP Clinical Fellow, National AHP Support Workforce Programme, Health Education England
Watch the recording of this masterclass on YouTube.