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The NHS England education quality function works with education and placement providers, and other stakeholders, to support learners in their career pathways and transition from healthcare education programmes to employment. We work collaboratively with system partners to maintain and improve practice placement capacity and capability. By working in partnership, we can ensure training is responsive to new care delivery models and supports workforce transformation and a sustainable workforce supply.
What we do
We work regionally and nationally with education and placement providers to understand the quality of the education and training taking place within healthcare learning environments for all our healthcare learners. We do this by supporting the collection and analysis of robust data and intelligence and responding to quality concerns where they arise, as well as identifying and spreading good practice, so that we drive continuous quality improvement. At a strategic level, we oversee and promote a consistent approach to quality management across our regions, working collaboratively with our system partners, including health and professional regulators.
The actions set out in the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan support our commitment to improving the quality of healthcare education and training and reduce course leaving rates. We will continue to work with students, HEIs, royal colleges and clinical placement providers to understand and address the reasons students leave training and the variation in their experiences.
Our Strategic Priorities
The Education Quality Framework underpins our Education Quality Strategy and provides an overarching set of multi-professional quality standards for the clinical learning environment. It applies to the quality of all healthcare education and training, funded through the NHS Education Agreement (formally the NHS Education Contract), across all learning environments within which learners are placed, including an increasing variety of settings in the primary, secondary, community and independent sector. To support our strategic priorities, our education quality strategy is now more ambitious than ever, concentrating on:
- Promoting and supporting equitable, diverse, and inclusive learning environments
- Providing for learner wellbeing through our quality standards and interventions.
- Setting guidelines for the wellbeing and role of supervisors and other contributors.
- Monitoring and assessing quality and celebrating good practice and innovation.
- Building stronger collaborative alignments with the wider health and care system.
- Driving continuous improvement in the quality of education and training in England.
- Improving patient safety collaboratively
As a learning organisation, we continue to develop and evolve our strategic approach to quality in healthcare education and training to help the NHS to deliver the workforce of the future. The strategic aims set out in this living document drive our approach to continuous improvement in quality. They help to ensure that education environments are inclusive, safe and promote the wellbeing of our learners and those who support and educate them, in turn facilitating high quality training and the delivery of safe, effective and compassionate patient care
Dr Navina Evans, Chief Workforce Officer, NHS England
Supporting and Escalating Concerns
Raising concerns in Learner, Educator and Provider areas
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