The three pillars of Talent for Care are Apprenticeships, Widening Access and Participation and Volunteering. Click on the images below for more information on each pillar.

Talent for Care enables people to Get Ready, Get In, Get On and Go Further in their journey towards a career and progression in the NHS.
Talent for Care’s vision is to support the NHS in England to widen access and participation by adapting and developing accessible employment, education, training including apprenticeships and T levels in order to improve socio-economic, health and wellbeing outcomes in local populations, and to move towards a workforce that is reflective of the communities it serves. We harness the power of volunteering through developing education, training, development and support programmes across health, social care and the voluntary sector.
With a focus on equality of opportunity, through the lens of widening access and participation, Talent for Care supports employers diversify their workforce supply through programmes that reach local communities of all ages from raising awareness of careers in health for young people and those wishing to join the NHS workforce such as work experience, to supporting individuals to develop in their long-term career including with relevant qualifications, Talent for Care provides an inclusive practice approach and framework for staff at all levels while also retaining a particular emphasis on improving opportunities for the support workforce.
Talent for Care - Background
The Talent for Care national strategic framework was originally developed and published in 2014 to improve the education, training and development opportunities available to those in the support workforce (typically those in Agenda for Changes roles banded 1-4). More recently the scope of Talent for Care has extended to staff at all levels, particularly with the introduction of higher and degree apprenticeships, while also retaining its emphasis on opportunities for the support workforce.
For all general enquiries about Talent for Care or to find contact details for the lead in your local area, please email
Talent for Care - Further Projects
- Project Choice – is a college which provides a supported internship course and associated accredited provision for 16-24 year olds with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, and/or Autism.
The Prince’s Trust Health and Social Care Programme – Health Education England is working in partnership with Princes Trust and the Department for Health and Social Care to support 10,000 young people into sustained careers within the health & social care sector over 4 years, including those from lower income backgrounds or those affected by long term unemployment
- The Work Experience Programme, is a dedicated programme to assist employers to widen access and participation within health careers by supporting the facilitation, coordination, and delivery of work experience and work-related learning
The Care Certificate – Health Education England, Skills for Care and Skills for Health worked together to develop the Care Certificate (15 standards), designed to meet the requirements set out in the Cavendish Review
Talent for Care Updates
If you would like to receive updates with regard to Talent for Care, including information on new and ongoing projects and events, please fill in our online form here.
The national Talent for Care team at HEE is keen to share extensive best practice and case studies to help inform development of programmes and work across the country. If you have something you would like to contribute, please get in touch via <
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Work experience and Work-Related Learning activity
Please Note: Work experience in many areas of the country has been cancelled due to COVID-19. See below ‘online alternatives to work experience’.
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Care Certificate
Health Education England, Skills for Care and Skills for Health have worked together to develop the Care Certificate. The Certificate has been designed to meet the requirements set out in the Cavendish Review.
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