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Midlands - News

Please take a look at the latest news from the Midlands region below.

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Displaying 73 - 78 of 197 items

Now is the time to become a GP Foundation Doctor Clinical Supervisor

Posted18 November 2022

The Foundation School is expanding

Following the expansion of the number of medical students in Derby, Nottingham and Leicester and the new Medical School in Lincoln, it is anticipated that there is going to be a large increase in Foundation Doctors in training. In addition, the Government has...

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Educators enjoy return to face to face meeting

Posted25 October 2022

We recently ran two conferences for our educators across the Midlands region.

East Midlands

The East Midlands Educator Conference took place on Wednesday 12 October in Leicester, with over 100 delegates made up of Heads of Schools, Training Programme Directors (TPDs), Directors of Medical...

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