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South west news

Coming soon - news and events in the south west region.

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Displaying 7 - 12 of 116 items

Your South West School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation

Posted27 November 2023

The NHS England Workforce, Training and Education South West School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation team are responsible for the commissioning and ongoing quality management of Trainee Pharmacist and Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacy Technician (PTPT) training posts across the South West...

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Meet the team - November

Posted27 November 2023

Meet the team bringing you the latest South West bulletin for postgraduate doctors and dentists in training

We’ve worked with colleagues across training and education to bring...

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South West award-winning video to enhance patient experiences

Posted27 October 2023

Congratulations to our Special Care Dental team at Bristol Dental Hospital for producing an award-winning patient information video to demystify the process of being admitted for a dental general anaesthetic at the Patient Experience Network National Awards (PENNA) in Birmingham last month.

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MPharm launch event

Posted29 September 2023

This month, our Regional Head of Pharmacy, Nick Haddington, spoke at the University of Bath MPharm Pharmacy degree at the University of Plymouth Launch Event to set out the unique nature of the pharmacy workforce challenges in the South West and how this new degree is a key part of mitigating...

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Meet our new WITNe network chair: Helen Stapleton

Posted29 September 2023

Facilitated by NHS England, the Workforce Intelligence and Transformation Network, or WITNe, is a supportive community for individuals who lead or participate in workforce planning, redesign or transformation activities. 

We recently took some time out to speak to Helen Stapleton,...

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