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Early careers: Preceptorship and Beyond

Preceptorship is a period to guide, develop and support all newly registered practitioners to build confidence and competence as they transition from student to autonomous professional.

The national preceptorship framework for nursing sets national standards for preceptorship for nurses and establishes a framework for good practice that can be adopted across all regions in England.

The first two years for a newly registered nurse are critical for both individuals and organisations. New registrants need a supportive environment to develop confidence and competence during the transition to autonomous practitioner.

The literature review conducted by Middlesex University confirms the impact of early careers and preceptorship programmes on recruitment and retention of nurses in the first two years post registration.

Preceptorship Framework

CapitalNurse has developed a preceptorship framework designed to support newly registered nurses to make the transition to autonomous practitioner, while developing in confidence and proficiency. The preceptorship model provides a summary of the full framework. 

The framework provides a recommended set of standards, based on best-practice, which all health and social care organisations in London have agreed to. The framework:

  • gives newly registered nurses clear guidance about managing their preceptorship and working with their employer
  • includes standards for protected time for preceptorship
  • provides a charter setting out what is expected of preceptors and their employers
  • provides clear practical templates for preceptors to use.

In order to support organisations in implementing the preceptorship framework, CapitalNurse has developed the case for investing in preceptorship which sets out the return on investment a trust/health provider can expect from adopting the framework.

Potential benefits of preceptorship for new registrants

  • Increased confidence
  • Positive socialisation onto the working environment
  • Increased job satisfaction
  • Feeling valued, respected and invested in by the employer
  • Increased commitment to the employer and profession

All above benefits are linked to patient satisfaction, quality of care, retention and enhanced recruitment. Find more via this case study on the value of preceptorship.

Team-based Preceptorship

Team-based preceptorship offers an alternative to the traditional preceptorship programme and gives further flexibility to organisations in ensuring a quality preceptorship for newly qualified practitioners. Find out more about team-based preceptorship.

Accelerated Preceptorship

The Accelerated Preceptorship Guide is for use with returners to practice, international nurses, registered nurses who have come through the nursing associate route and other healthcare professionals in certain situations. This is not intended to replace the preceptorship programme for newly qualified practitioners.

CapitalNurse Preceptorship Quality Mark

CapitalNurse has developed a Preceptorship Quality Mark for those organisations who meet 75 per cent of the standards set out in the self-assessment framework. The quality mark includes a logo which organisations can use on all preceptorship and recruitment material for two years, with the option to renew.

How to apply for the CapitalNurse Preceptorship Quality Mark

To apply, please complete the self-assessment framework and email: england.capitalnurse@nhs.net

If you have any queries, please email: england.capitalnurse@nhs.net

Beyond Preceptorship Framework

CapitalNurse has developed a Beyond Preceptorship Framework to look at the 12-24 months post-qualification period for newly registered nurses. The framework focuses on four main pillars and identifies different activities which fall within each category.

It is intended as a toolkit of resources to assist organisations in developing their own Beyond Preceptorship offering for staff.

Preceptorship development resources

CapitalNurse has developed a range of resources for organisations to use in training, developing and supporting their preceptors and preceptees covering a wide range of areas, including:

What is Preceptorship?
A one-hour session focusing on the CapitalNurse Preceptorship framework with overviews of roles, responsibilities and an understanding of the framework. This module includes video clips.

Trainer guide
- Session slides - with videos embedded (large file), with links to videos on YouTube (small file)

Assessing learning needs
Focuses on assessing learning needs through use of SLOT analysis, understanding how learners learn, translating learning needs into SMART objectives and reviewing these.

Assessing learning needs module - trainer guide
Assessing learning needs

Giving feedback
This module focuses on giving feedback using Kipling’s Men and IAID model. Role play scenarios are included.

Feedback module - trainer guide
Giving feedback - session slides
Giving feedback role play activities

Looks at when coaching is most appropriate in preceptorship and uses the SOAR model to coach preceptees. Role play scenarios are included.

Coaching module - trainer guide
Coaching skills slides
Coaching role play activities

Short documents providing information relating to a specific topic. These can be used to enhance learning in a particular area, or to provide an overview of a topic for further reflection. These are between one and five pages long.

Assessing learning needs
Coaching skills
Emotional intelligence
Gibbs reflection model
Giving feedback
Johari window (self-awareness model)
Kipling’s Men (questioning skills)
Kolb Learning cycle
PDSA cycle (plan, do, study, act)
Reviewing objectives and measuring effectiveness
Rolfe et al reflection model
Rolfe et al reflection template
Setting objectives

These are short video clips talking about the impact of preceptorship for different people in different roles. These are:

Preceptorship project manager
- Preceptorship lead – acute and primary care
Preceptor – primary care
- Preceptees – Alice and Franca
Student Nurse

Case studies looking at preceptorship from different perspectives and in different organisations with a selection from acute, mental health and primary care across London.

Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
North Middlesex University Hospital
Preceptee in Primary Care
Preceptor in Primary Care
The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
St George's University Hospital

Additional resources

In addition to preceptorship resources, CapitalNurse has developed guidelines, information, best practice and materials on the following:

Find more on the NHS England National Preceptorship Programme including associated resources.